


For the most diverse newbb电子 selection on the market, customers turn to newbb电子平台安全 to get their newbb电子 customized wherever possible. 当你想传播你的品牌信息时,我们在这里帮助你实现这一目标.

It has never been as simple as today, adding a company's logo or text to newbb电子. At our global distribution headquarters, located outside Memphis, TN, we customize safety glasses, hi-vis服装, FR服装, 还有工作手套. 我们接下来的几个部分将重点介绍客户印记如何适用于newbb电子平台安全的每种产品.


Our overall capabilities include the following:

  • Traditional silk screen printing
  • Reflective and full-color heat transfers
  • 移印
  • Embroidery and embroidered patches

    The newbb电子 a worker requires depends on the industry and the work performed. Do not worry, we customize all newbb电子平台安全 product categories. 在我们进入每一个之前,让我们强调一下定制标识安全装置的优点.


    Advantages To A Logo Imprinted

    Custom branding newbb电子 goes beyond just advertising. 当然, if you are marketer, you are already sold on promoting branded newbb电子 everyone else will see But, when it comes to those working out on a job site, there are a handful of reasons why custom newbb电子 makes sense. Here are all the reasons customized newbb电子 is beneficial.

    • Helps customers easily identify employees
    • 定制的个人防护用品 develops pride across a company’s workforce
    • newbb电子经过更高水平的价值处理,确保产品比标准newbb电子使用寿命更长.
    • Helps workers identify what gear belongs to whom on a jobsite
    • Promotes safety awareness, like with our Watch Your Hands gloves
    • Companies want their newbb电子 emblazoned with their own brand.

    此外,我们的最新产品的品牌newbb电子是伟大的公司促销礼物! We touch on this topic more in the next section.

    Promotional Products

    在市场上推广公司的身份和信息并不一定要以最新的公司广告结束. 它可以在整个员工队伍中进行,与您的客户面对面.

    Promotional Marketing

    Promotional Branding

    Branding newbb电子 Helps Promote Your 公司’s Identity!

    最后, 促销newbb电子产品是员工在贸易展览和活动中分发的优秀产品, 客户访问, 等. When giving away custom newbb电子 to customers, 你在推广你的品牌,并为员工提供保护他们免受工作场所危害的产品. 想想当安全玻璃保护他们的眼睛不受飞行物体的伤害时,他们会怎么看待你的公司. They will remember you for the rest of their lives!

    So, why don't you promote your brand, rather than the newbb电子平台安全 brand? 公司利用多种类型的促销产品来支持品牌:促销笔, 咖啡杯, 卷尺, and countless other products. Why not customize products like newbb电子 that also keep workers safe? We discuss this more below.

    Custom Imprinting Process

    我们一直在定制带有公司标志、口号和品牌名称的newbb电子. Or, maybe you have a new idea for a T-shirt logo design. 没问题,我们的内部团队可以在整个过程中为您提供建议. It's super simple, so let's walk you through the process.


    Once we have received your order for custom imprinted newbb电子, 我们的服务设计团队将与您一起创作代表所购买产品的艺术品. Here are all the steps involved with customizing newbb电子平台安全 newbb电子:

    1. 第1步
      Choose your product.
    2. 2 . -
      Place your order with a preferred distributor.
    3. 3 . -
      Send us your artwork, preferred imprinting location.
    4. 4 .
      We will create a replicated image of the product with your artwork. Allow us around Please allow 4-5 days to create the custom artwork.
    5. 5 . -
      Approve the file sent
    6. 6 . -

    Now, let’s jump into each product category.

    Work Glove Imprinting

    自20世纪70年代以来,行业专业人士一直戴着newbb电子平台安全的皮革工作手套和棉手套.  In the 21st century, 你可以让他们个性化你的标志或自定义印记与你独特的信息!

    皮革 Glove Logo Transfer Process

    Nylon glove imprinting process

    We apply heat transfer logos on select styles of gloves.

    自20世纪70年代以来,行业专业人士一直戴着newbb电子平台安全的皮革工作手套和棉手套.  In the 21st century, 你可以让他们个性化你的标志或自定义印记与你独特的信息!

    Work Glove Imprinting-Image

    定制d 安全眼镜

    定制d 安全眼镜-1

    What could be better than protecting your eyes with custom Z87 safety glasses? Showing off that company logo is how! 印记newbb电子平台安全眼镜与您的个性化文字或标志是一个极好的选择,为那些想要一个自定义的外观. And, guess what, custom printed safety glasses is our specialty. For any given year, we create over 1 million personalized safety glasses.

    有超过500个独特的框架和镜头选择,我们肯定有安全眼镜你要戴. All we need from you is camera-ready artwork, your preferred colors, and an opening order from one of our distributor partners.


    Imprinted safety glasses


    Imprinted safety glasses drying


    重印订单的交货时间约为10个工作日,首次印刷订单的交货时间约为15个工作日. Single-color and multi-color printing are available. For all our safety glass imprinting options, along with specific details

    Custom Printed Safety Vests, Hi-Vis 服装, And Custom T-Shirts


    想象一下,你所有的员工都穿着Hi-Vis服装,同时也在为你的公司做广告. Well, it can be done in a matter of no time! Security guards and law enforcement customize their gear, why can't a construction company or manufacturing facility do the same?


    Printed logos look terrific on the left front area of most garments. For those who prefer a giant logo, it will look better on the back. Keep in mind that every logo you add to a garment is an additional cost, but don't let that deter you from promoting both sides. You'll be amazed at how inexpensive customizing newbb电子 can be.



    Our lineup of garments that can be imprinted include the following:



    Hi-Viz t恤




    Hi-Viz Rain Jacket



    We transform safety vests into your company's brand newbb电子.

    Custom Printed Safety Vests
    Custom Printed Safety Vests
    Custom Printed Safety Vests
    Custom Printed Safety Vests

    定制d Bomber Jackets are a big hit during the winter months! 为赠品, 当你保持温暖时,你的客户或员工只会对你有积极的看法.

    With a wide variety of colors, 配置, and sizes available, we are sure to have a garment you're going to want to wear. 定制d hi-vis t-shirts, especially the moisture-wicking kind, are always popular during the hot summer months. How much do custom t-shirts cost? 请求报价,我们将为您提供完成交易所需的所有信息.

    For all our garment imprinting options, along with specific details.


    Put your logo here


    We've been manufacturing newbb电子 for well over 40 years now. During that time, we've created logos on a wide selection of products. Here is a look at some.

    没有比让员工穿上印有你公司标志的个人防护装备更好的保护员工或为公司做广告的方式了——尤其是如果这个人穿在身上看起来很棒的话! 如果你对流程、费用、时间有任何保留意见,不要担心.

    Common Logo Questions


    How do I make a logo to imprint on a jacket?
    我们不能代表在座的每一个人,但我们会在衣服的正面和背面印上印记. We utilize silk screen printing and heat transferring techniques.

    Where can I imprint a logo?
    It all depends on the product. Safety glasses are imprinted typically in the corners, whereas many garment imprints will be located on the back.

    What are logo imprinted products?

    How to remove logo stamp from leather gloves?
    It depends on the quality of the glove. 但是,我们不建议在newbb电子上这样做,因为它可能会损害产品的结构完整性.

    Is it possible to custom design safety glasses?
    Yes, we’ve highlighted our logo program above. 如果你想创造你自己的新的安全玻璃只有你的公司可以访问, leave us a comment above.

    How to find custom leather gloves?
    You can request a quote above in our glove imprinting section. 我们会帮您联系能够处理您订单的经销商. Feel free to leave us in comments or questions about your specific needs too.

    How to imprint logo on leather?
    We utilize a heat transfer method to apply your logo to our leather newbb电子.


    Embroidery is a logo technique that involves a stitching machine.

    如果FR服装上有定制的公司标志,那就太好了. 你猜怎么着? We've got you covered! 在newbb电子平台安全,我们提供刺绣和个性化服务,大多数FR服装在我们的主要美国.S. distribution facility outside Memphis, TN.

    我们最近更新了我们的刺绣设备,可以在各种产品上印刷, primarily FR服装.



    With today's modern 技术, can a worker's safety gear talk? 是否有可能在危险和情况发生之前就进行沟通? Could real-time data guide employee behavior? All of this is possible with newbb电子平台安全 newbb电子 powered by Corvex™ 技术!

    As we highlight in our blog, The Age of 聪明的个人防护用品 Technology, 我们只需要知道贵公司面临的危险,并可以引入额外的newbb电子款式 Corvex™ 技术.

    Custom newbb电子 From Scratch-1

    Custom newbb电子 – From Scratch

    没有一个单一的食谱可以创造出所有我们喜欢吃的美味佳肴. When it comes to newbb电子 and protecting people from workplace hazards, there is no one single item that will protect all workers.

    根据所执行的应用程序,您是否需要newbb电子,而我们没有库存? Maybe you have a workforce that requires one of our gloves in an XS size. 或者,也许你想在手套上加一个防割伤内衬,或者在手套上加加固. Custom protection is often required for unique hazards. 值得庆幸的是, we manufacture our product, which means we customize virtually any newbb电子 into the product you need. +, we're in the business of protecting people, which means we can create almost any product you require.

    An example of custom newbb电子 made is our 962-glove made for the utility industry. 由于来自该行业的要求,我们将加固坚固的凯夫拉纤维和硅胶直接放在手掌上.

    There are some minimums required with customizing newbb电子 from scratch. However, do not let that stop you from reaching out to us. 考虑一下这个, 你所需要的定制防割伤手套可能是一个遭受终身伤害的人安然无恙回家的区别. 我们将很乐意协助并回答您关于此计划的任何问题.

    Let’s get that newbb电子 that fits your taste and needs protecting you!








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    Ready for 定制的个人防护用品?

    If you are interested in customized newbb电子 leave us a comment